Hi everyone! Let me introduce myself okay :D
My name is Azfazaki Hakimi. People knew me as Faza. I am an undergraduate in Electrical Engineering from Gadjah Mada University. Do you know why I chose Electrical Engineering? When I was in Junior High School, there was a Group Discussion Task. The task is about making a simulation of electrical installation at the house. I was very amazed at how the electricity is working at the moment. Then I try to make my own creation with electricity at my house. Anyway, I like robotics since I was in Elementary School. Well, I learned low-current electricity in Elementary School and I learned high-current electricity in Junior High School. That was why I like electricity in my life.
I once got a champion during a robotics competition. It was my first achievement in electrical learning. I know that I have a skill in robotics, electronics, and instrumentation. Now, I would like to improve my skill in high-current electricity. I hope I can reach more achievements in this science. So that, I can work in various companies with my skills. I know that the job prospects of the major I choose are very broad.
I would like to become an inventor of renewable energy. Not only renewable energy but also many innovations. This is my motivation of me to make a lot of innovations besides real problematics. I want to be useful to the community with all my inventions.
That's all from me. Nice to share with you, guys!
Thank you :D
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